Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Note of Thanks

The Partnership For Our Kids is extremely thankful for our volunteers. Their commitment to the students enrolled in our programs is simply amazing. What is perhaps even more astounding is that these devoted volunteers take the time to express how much they love doing what they do. Below is one of the many notes of appreciation submitted by our volunteers:

I want to thank you for the opportunity of being a "Goal Buddy" at Belvedere! This is such a tremendous program and a priceless opportunity to be involved in the lives of the youth of Omaha.

When I left Belvedere yesterday, I spent a long time reflecting and being thankful. As a former teacher, especially as a former BELVEDERE teacher, my heart is touched by the commitment and hope that is exhibited by the Winners Circle program and the goal buddies. There is no greater gift than love and I saw this yesterday on the faces of the goal buddies, the staff, and especially on the sweet faces of the students.

I want to commend all of you on your work and dedication. Thank you, again, for allowing me to partner with you in making a difference in the lives of our Omaha youth!

Suzi Yokley-Busby-UNO, BBF Engagement and Attendance Initiative
Belvedere Goal Buddy

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