It has been said that money makes the world go round, but believe it or not, according to a study done by Johns Hopkins, volunteers actually make up a far more significant share of the workforce of nations than has been commonly acknowledged.
Data generated by the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project in 37 countries (Salamon et al, 2004) revealed that approximately 140 million people in these 37 countries engage in some volunteer activity in a typical year. To put this into perspective, if all of these volunteers represented the population of a country it would be the 8th largest country in the world. The study goes on to show that even when estimated conservatively, these volunteers make $400 billion in contribution to the global economy.
As National Volunteer Month kicks off this Friday, The Partnership For Our Kids would like to extend a special thank-you to all of our volunteers for their hard work, devotion and commitment to kids. You are truly worth your weight in gold!
*Attention all current Partnership volunteers! Be sure to check the mail for a special volunteer event invitation coming to you soon.
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